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Download Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 PDF: Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Pemerintah Desa


Download Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 PDF

If you are looking for a way to download Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 PDF, you have come to the right place. In this article, I will explain what this regulation is, how to download it, and how to use it. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of this important document and how it can help you in your work.

download permendagri no. 84 tahun 2016 pdf

What is Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016?

Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 is a regulation issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia on December 31, 2015. It is about the organization and work procedures of the village government. It aims to provide guidance and direction for the village government in carrying out its duties and functions in accordance with the principles of democracy, autonomy, and accountability.

The purpose and scope of the regulation

The purpose of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 is to:

  • Establish the organization and work procedures of the village government based on the Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages;

  • Ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the village government in delivering public services, developing village potential, and empowering village communities;

  • Facilitate the coordination and supervision of the village government by the higher authorities;

  • Enhance the capacity and professionalism of the village government officials and staff.

The scope of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 covers:

  • The structure and composition of the village government;

  • The duties, functions, authorities, and responsibilities of each village government unit;

  • The qualifications, requirements, rights, obligations, and code of ethics of the village government officials and staff;

  • The mechanisms and procedures for planning, budgeting, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, reporting, and accounting for village government activities.

The main provisions of the regulation

Some of the main provisions of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 are:

  • The village government consists of three units: the village head, the village consultative body (BPD), and the village apparatus;

  • The village head is elected by direct vote by the village community for a term of six years and can be re-elected only once;

  • The BPD is composed of representatives from various elements of the village community and has a term of six years;

  • The village apparatus consists of several sections that assist the village head in performing his or her duties, such as general administration, finance, development, community welfare, public order, etc.;

  • The village government has several sources of income, such as village funds from the central government, regional transfers from provincial or district/city governments, original village income from taxes or fees, grants or donations from third parties, etc.;

  • The village government has several expenditures, such as personnel costs, operational costs, development costs, community empowerment costs, unforeseen costs, etc.;

  • The village government must prepare several documents to plan, implement, monitor, evaluate, report, and account for its activities, such as the village medium-term development plan (RPJMDes), the village annual work plan (RKPDes), the village budget (APBDes), the village accountability report (LPJDes), etc.;

  • The village government must involve the participation of the village community in every stage of its activities, from planning to evaluation, through various forums, such as the village deliberation (musyawarah desa), the village consultation (konsultasi desa), the village assembly (rapat desa), etc.;

  • The village government must adhere to the principles of transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in managing its affairs and resources, and must comply with the applicable laws and regulations.

The benefits and challenges of the regulation

Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 has several benefits for the village government and the village community, such as:

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  • It provides a clear and comprehensive framework for the organization and work procedures of the village government, which can improve its performance and quality;

  • It empowers the village government to manage its own affairs and resources according to its needs and potential, which can foster its autonomy and innovation;

  • It strengthens the role and function of the BPD as a representative body of the village community, which can enhance its participation and oversight;

  • It supports the development and empowerment of the village community in various aspects, such as economy, social, culture, environment, etc., which can improve its welfare and resilience.

However, Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 also poses some challenges for the village government and the village community, such as:

  • It requires a high level of competence and commitment from the village government officials and staff, which may not be available or adequate in some villages;

  • It demands a high level of coordination and cooperation from the higher authorities, such as provincial or district/city governments, which may not be consistent or supportive in some cases;

  • It entails a high level of complexity and diversity in the implementation of the regulation, which may vary from one village to another depending on their conditions and contexts;

  • It exposes a high level of risk and vulnerability in the management of the village affairs and resources, which may lead to problems or conflicts if not handled properly.

How to download Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 PDF?

If you want to download Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 PDF, you have several options to choose from. Here are some of them:

The official source of the regulation

The official source of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 is the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Indonesia. You can find the regulation under the menu "Peraturan" > "Peraturan Menteri" > "Tahun 2015". You can also use this direct link to access the regulation. You can download it by clicking on the "Unduh" button at the bottom of the page.

The alternative sources of the regulation

The alternative sources of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 are some websites that provide legal information or documents related to villages or local governments in Indonesia. Some examples are:

  • [], a website that provides legal news, analysis, research, and services in Indonesia. You can find Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 under the menu "Peraturan" > "Peraturan Pusat" > "Kementerian Dalam Negeri". You can download it by clicking on the "Download PDF" button at the top of the page.

  • [], a website that provides information and services related to village regulations in Indonesia. You can find Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 under the menu "Peraturan" > "Peraturan Pusat" > "Kementerian Dalam Negeri". You can download it by clicking on the "Download" button at the bottom of the page.

  • [], a website that provides information and resources for village development and empowerment in Indonesia. You can find Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 under the menu "Regulasi" > "Regulasi Pusat" > "Kementerian Dalam Negeri". You can download it by clicking on the "Download PDF" button at the bottom of the page.

The tips and tricks for downloading the regulation

Some of the tips and tricks for downloading Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 PDF are:

  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection and a compatible device to access and view the PDF file;

  • Check the file size and format before downloading to ensure that it is the correct and complete version of the regulation;

  • Save the file in a secure and accessible location on your device or cloud storage for future reference;

  • Use a reliable and updated PDF reader or editor to open and edit the file if needed;

  • Share the file with others who may need or benefit from it, but respect the intellectual property rights and privacy of the source.

How to use Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 PDF?

Once you have downloaded Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 PDF, you may wonder how to use it effectively. Here are some suggestions:

The requirements and procedures for using the regulation

The requirements and procedures for using Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 depend on your role and purpose. For example:

  • If you are a village government official or staff, you need to understand and follow the regulation in performing your duties and functions, such as organizing your unit, preparing your documents, managing your income and expenditure, etc.;

  • If you are a higher authority, such as a provincial or district/city government, you need to coordinate and supervise the village government in implementing the regulation, such as providing guidance, support, monitoring, evaluation, etc.;

  • If you are a village community member, you need to participate and oversee the village government in applying the regulation, such as giving input, feedback, suggestions, complaints, etc.

The examples and best practices for using the regulation

The examples and best practices for using Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 can be found in various sources, such as:

  • The official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Indonesia, which provides news, updates, reports, publications, etc., related to the regulation;

  • The websites of other relevant ministries or agencies, such as the Ministry of Village Development, Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration; the National Development Planning Agency; the Supreme Audit Agency; etc., which provide data, statistics, analysis, recommendations, etc., related to the regulation;

  • The websites of some non-governmental organizations or institutions, such as academic institutions, research centers, civil society organizations, media outlets, etc., which provide insights, opinions, stories, cases, etc., related to the regulation;

  • The websites of some exemplary villages or local governments, which showcase their achievements, innovations, challenges, solutions, etc., related to the regulation.

The common mistakes and pitfalls for using the regulation

The common mistakes and pitfalls for using Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 can be avoided by being aware and cautious of them. Some examples are:

  • Ignoring or violating the regulation, which can result in legal consequences, sanctions, or penalties;

  • Misinterpreting or misapplying the regulation, which can result in errors, inefficiencies, or conflicts;

  • Manipulating or abusing the regulation, which can result in corruption, fraud, or misuse;

  • Isolating or neglecting the regulation, which can result in missed opportunities, wasted resources, or poor outcomes.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 is a regulation that regulates the organization and work procedures of the village government in Indonesia. It has several purposes, scopes, provisions, benefits, and challenges that need to be understood and addressed by the relevant stakeholders. It can be downloaded from various sources online and used effectively by following the requirements and procedures, learning from the examples and best practices, and avoiding the common mistakes and pitfalls.

Call to action and further resources

If you are interested in learning more about Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 or other related topics, you can visit some of the websites mentioned above or do your own research online. You can also contact me if you need any assistance or guidance in writing or editing your own articles on this or similar topics. I hope you found this article helpful and informative. Thank you for reading and have a great day!

FAQs Q: What is the official name of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016? A: The official name of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 is Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 84 Tahun 2015 tentang Susunan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Pemerintah Desa. Q: When was Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 issued and effective? A: Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 was issued on December 31, 2015 and effective on January 1, 2016. Q: What is the legal basis of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016? A: The legal basis of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 is Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages. Q: How many pages and articles are there in Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016? A: There are 44 pages and 38 articles in Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016. Q: How can I get a hard copy of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016? A: You can get a hard copy of Permendagri No. 84 Tahun 2016 by printing it from the PDF file or requesting it from the Ministry of Home Affairs of Indonesia or other authorized institutions. 44f88ac181

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